13th World Congress on Physiotherapy, Physical Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine

October 06-07, 2025       Dubai, UAE

Speaker Guidelines & Faq

For Speakers:

  • Number of slides should be minimum and presentation time should be strictly followed. Please stop when signalled by the Chair to do so.
  • Users of Windows / PC should be responsible for the compatibility with Mac system used at the lectern.
  • Taking the timelines into consideration, using personal laptops are not recommended unless under unavoidable conditions.
  • No videos will be recorded.
  • Felicitation for the speakers will be done during the session or after completion of the session, so please make sure to be present until the session ends.

For Posters:

  • Poster cards with number will be placed on the poster hall before one hour of the session start.
  • Each author will be provided with a 1 meter x 1 meter poster presenting area pins / stick-tape. Participants are responsible for mounting their posters during the presentation and in removing them as soon as the session ends. Posters left up past that time will be discarded.
  • Poster awards will be announced during the end of a day / session which will be informed during the event.

Basic Presentation Requirements:

  • Presentation format: .ppt .doc.
  • MAC compatible presentation.
  • Movies: Please take steps to compress your video file
  • Each slide should be designed to be concise, uncluttered and readable from a distance: include only key words and phrases for visual reinforcement. Avoid lengthy text.

FAQs for speakers

Ans:We encourage all our speakers to attend from beginning of the conference. Many of our delegates might have seen your name in our Scientific program and wants to meet you. If this is not possible, we recommend you to arrive at least an hour before the commencement of your speech and preferably during a break in the program. This will allow you to go through your slides with our AV technician.

FAQs for Regular Issues